Tuesday, February 10, 2009

House Introduces Tort Reform Legislation

Today, the House introduced a tort reform bill (H. 3489) that builds on the successes of previous year’s comprehensive tort reform legislation. House Speaker Bobby Harrell made the following statement about the bill:

“The House has continuously fought for these types of reform efforts for a reason, because they produce positive results for our state and for our business climate. When rates were growing by double digit figures each year, the General Assembly passed workers’ compensation reform and rates dropped for the first time in years. This is reform for a reason, and that reason is to make South Carolina a more competitive state and a better place to do business.

“Our state’s future hinges on the strength of our economy and its ability to grow. This bill helps strengthen our economic climate by significantly adding to the comprehensive tort reform legislation we passed a few years ago. During these difficult times, the General Assembly needs to focus on ways we can better secure our economic future. This lawsuit abuse reform bill takes further steps in improving our business climate and making our state more competitive. Eliminating bureaucratic red tape, putting a lid on frivolous lawsuits and enacting pro-business job enabling reforms are steps we need to take in order to make South Carolina a great place for businesses to grow and expand.”

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