Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Indian Women of Proud Nations Charity Golf Outing May 11

PEMBROKE, N.C. – The American Indian Women of Proud Nations Third Annual Golf Tournament comes to Robeson County on May 11, 2009. The outing will be held at Pine Crest Country Club in Lumberton.

Funds from the event are for the American Indian Scholarship Fund. Enjoy a complete program of special events, 18 holes of golf (including cart), lunch, door prizes for each player and an exciting awards banquet. The golf outing is a part of the Third Annual Conference for American Indian Women of Proud Nations. This year’s intergenerational conference at The University of North Carolina in Pembroke is scheduled for September 23-25, 2009. Elders, youth, young professionals, leaders in the Indian and non-Indian community, regardless of gender or race, are encouraged to attend. The conference theme, “Patchwork to Holism: Spirituality, Health, Education, Economics and Community,” compels tribes and organizations to stand together to build healthy Indian communities.

The conference will convene on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm with a film on the lawn of the University Center Annex. Several exciting and informative workshops will be offered daily, including ceremonies honoring our elders and children and a special session for young professional and emerging leaders. There will also be an exhibition of vendors in the lobby of the Givens Performing Arts Center. Registration begins at 8 am, with tee-off at 9 pm. The cost for this event is only $60. This price includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch and various awards. To properly plan for this event, please pre-register by calling Frank at 704.305.1713 or Kayron at 910.827.4454. This event is limited to 72 golfers. Call now to reserve your team.

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