Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Should be Outraged

The AP reports that the Government Accountability Office will release figures that show most (two-thirds) of US corporations don't pay taxes!

Big corporations need to pay their fair share.

Corporations have golden parachutes, record-breaking profits, huge CEO paychecks, and more, but they use the boogie man of "high taxes" to have layoffs, cut hours or benefits and to bully Congress into creating tax loopholes. Corporations are using their media oligopoly to control what Americans hear and to bombard us with the notion that big, bad Congress is taxing them too much.

But clearly, that isn't the case.

If the CEO makes more than 100 times the average worker, something in the system is broken. The free market isn't fixing it. Congress isn't fixing it.

Greed has taken over the American landscape. As foreclosures continue and as everyone's debt burden crushes them a little more each day, what can teh average person do?

I'm working towards getting out of debt and reducing my consumption. What are you doing? --LCR

1 comment:

  1. Here's a great article on the topic:
