Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ovis Hill Farm News & Events

HARTSVILLE MARKET: Ovis Hill Farm Farmers Market will again participate in Hartsville’s new "Good Living Marketplace" Saturday, March 7th. Hours 10 am to 2 pm located along Cargill Way and Burry Park (between 4th and 5th street behind Appleby’s). Other vendors will provide crafts, homemade jewelry, artisans, woodworkers, flowers, baked goods, etc. The "Good Living Marketplace" will be an ongoing market taking place on the first Saturday of each month. This is a rain or shine market. It is your support that will enable your community to continue this market. Please come out. We hope to see you there.

This will be a full market for our farm network, much the same as our Florence market, with Happy Cow milk and cheeses, free range eggs, beef, lamb, free range chicken, organic vegetables, organic grains and Amish dry goods and more! Heather Perry will work with the McCarley family to run the Hartsville market and several of the farmers will likely be available.

With our limited resources, this is big commitment for our farmers and partner families! The Florence Naturally Outdoors Market is a rain or shine year round market. Hartsville is a wonderful community and we are excited about the possibility of this new community. Please come out and support the new community market!

COLUMNS REENACTMENT: Along with Robin Kelefant, an accomplished fiber artist spinner and weaver, we will participate in both the educational program on Friday and the Saturday and Sunday programs at the Columns Reenactment providing a homestead food and fiber historical program. This is new this year and hopefully will be expanded in years to come. Also, Stacy and Michael Atkinson will present a Farmers Market on the vendors side to showcase our farm network. The weather promises to be very nice so come on out!

BEEF & LAMB WINTER SPECIAL? We will continue to discount the price of ALL LAMB AND BEEF by 10% through March! This Saturday only, beef roasts will be reduced by 15%!!!

COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (CSA): Jannie and Rocky Dickson of Dickson Organics and Ovis Hill Farm will work together to begin a CSA this spring. CSA’s are very popular in other localities and are a joint venture of customers (members) and producers (farmers) to provide a regular (usually weekly) supply of the farms’ production. While most CSA’s are veggies only, because of our association we will be able to offer veggies, herbs, dairy, meat as well as other products. CSA’s provide badly needed working capital, planned production, and quality products at competitive prices. There will be another email to provide more information.

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